1.河北省第二十屆大學生運動會吉祥物—— 機電牛牛
The 20th University Games of Hebei Province mascot - Niu Niu

The 20th University Games of Hebei Province emblem

Opening ceremony artistic performance

"Plum blossom boxing performance" representing Xingxiang culture——“Plum blossom boxing”, with a history of more than 3,000 years, was included in the first batch of national cultural heritage list in 2006.

Cheerleading——the students wave their pom-poms and perform a youthful dance.

Radio calisthenics

Racing car

Roller skating event


河北省第二十屆大學生運動會 the 20th University Games of Hebei Province
會歌《紅彤彤的火》 anthem “Red Red Fire”
會旗 flag of the games
主席臺 platform
主持人 compere
歡迎詞 welcoming address
開幕詞 opening speech
宣誓 make a vow
運動員 athlete
裁判員 referee
奧運五環 Olympic rings
燕趙焦點 Yanzhao focus
魅力邢襄 the charming Xingxiang
體育強則中國強,國運興則體育興。Excellence in sports makes China strong, and a strong nation excels at sports.
生命之源,在于運動。Movement is the essence of life.
jumping 跳躍
high jump 跳高
pole vault 撐桿跳高
long jump 跳遠
triple jump 三級跳遠
throwing 投擲
shot put 推鉛球
discus 擲鐵餅
hammer 擲鏈球
javelin 標槍
road events 公路賽
marathon 馬拉松
walk 競走
badminton 羽毛球
baseball 棒球
basketball 籃球
football 足球
handball 手球
hockey / field Hockey 曲棍球
softball 壘球
table Tennis 乒乓球
tennis 網球
volleyball 排球
beach volleyball 沙灘排球
artistic gymnastics 競技體操
floor exercises 自由體操
pommel horse 鞍馬
rings 吊環
vault 跳馬
parallel bars 雙杠
horizontal bar 單杠
uneven bars 高低杠
balance beam 平衡木
rhythmic gymnastics 藝術體操
gymnastics trampoline 蹦床
Hebei Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology was founded in 1956. It has successively run schools in Baoding, Handan, Shijiazhuang, Chengde, among other places. It is now located in downtown Xingtai city, near the beautiful Taihang Mountain to the west.

In 2014, the Institute was given the approval of the provincial department of education and jointly established the "Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Xingtai College" with Xingtai College and Xingtai equipment manufacturing industry association。
The Institute covers an area of nearly 800 mu of land, with fixed assets of 641 million yuan. The Institute, with more than 10,000 students, offers 41 majors, including mechanical and electrical automation technology, UAV application technology, automobile technology, accounting, leisure sports and so on. The Institute has more than 600 faculty and staff members, including 21 full - time professors, 101 associate professors and 250 double-qualified teachers.

Since its foundation, it has cultivated more than 60,000 specialized technical talents and management talents. The Institute has offered technical training and technical services for enterprises, and created direct economic benefits which added up to more than 600 million yuan.
The Institute places emphasis on foreign exchanges and cooperation, and has established friendly and cooperative relations with many universities in Canada, New Zealand, Germany and other countries.